Mt. Hood Adventure Session: Parker and Melissa

Mt. Hood, Oregon

Once again, getting into a car full of strangers proved to be the best idea ever. I got to spend the day having a glorious Oregon adventure session with six pretty cool people and the cutest dog in the Pacific North West.

A magical day of good breakfasts, followed by great donuts, insane views of blue mountains and snow-covered trees, climbing one of those mountains and frolicking in the snow, code names and many laughs (and seeing the great Parker Fitzgerald fail horrifically at sledding). Also, adventures like these should almost always be followed by copious amounts of Mexican food and tequila. GOOD TIMES.

To Parker, Melissa, Cornelius, Whitney, Bethany, Brad and Mino, thank you for the fun day and the grand adventures! I hope we get to explore together again sometime soon! // Bearclaw Out.

Oregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure SessionOregon Adventure Session